9 DIY Shiplap Walls Design Ideas That ANYONE Can Easily Do!
Hi friend. Thank you for being here. I hope you are having a good week so far. I have been getting in as much Summer activities as I can so far. What fun Summer activities have been doing with your family? Tyson and I usually go camping quite a few times a Summer but haven’t this year. So I definitely need to get in a couple more trips before the Summer is over. So one of the biggest trends right now is shiplap everything. Which you know I adore! So I want to give you some inspiration for DIY shiplap walls.
So I want to give you some inspiration for DIY shiplap walls.
I’ve wanted to shiplap my entire house honestly! Because I just love the way it looks. It looks clean and neutral in any room. So what room are you thinking about putting shiplap in? Tell me in the comments below.
I want to give you some ideas on how you can create the cutest DIY shiplap walls. Shiplap can be used to in almost any room and area in your home. I’ve seen it used basically everywhere you can think of.
I’ll also share some fun unique ideas that not everyone who uses shiplap has. It’s something you wouldn’t normally think of. And that sets you apart from the trend.
Shiplap is used to create an accent wall and shows character. It adds to much design to just a plain wall. Depending on what your design style is it’s probably popular. It’s used in Farmhouse design, Rustic Design, Coastal and so many more.
Don’t get me wrong I love occasional pops of color. But neutral is your girls thing. So that’s why I adore shiplap!
Wood paneling is the hottest trend right now. There are so many different styles to choose from!
So how do you pick one?
Board and Batten creates symmetry which I love. The wide rectangular panels create an elegant look that you can’t go wrong with. Shiplap creates clean lines that are more of a simple design look. You also have the option to use reclaimed barn wood for an accent wall.
My in laws had a wood fence that they built 20 something years ago. The wood was warn and beautiful. But the durability of the fence was no longer there. So they built a vinyl white fence and called it good. They had hundreds of pieces of this old weathered wood. Which you know I had to have it. So I loaded up the truck and trailer. Or should I say… Tyson did. LOL
And we brought over an entire load to keep in our backyard. It’s in my shed right now waiting to be used on so many different projects! We recently redid our headboard with the wood. And it looks amazing!
So there are a few options for you to do as an accent wall if you adore wood paneling like I do. Not just DIY Shiplap Walls.
But back to my favorite option y’all shiplap. So I will share some gorgeous inspiration photos with you from my favorite design website and home decor shop.
Which you can click the link if you want to check them out!


Laundry Room
Kids Room
Master Bedroom
Living Room/Fireplace

I wasn’t kidding when I said shiplap can be displayed in any room in your home.
DIY Shiplap Walls can be used ANYWHERE and it looks amazing!
So 2 more ideas for home that you can use shiplap but no one every thinks of are… keep reading.
It’s almost like a hidden secret about shiplap.
Because I’ve hardly ever seen them in any homes. But more people should really do it. Because it looks stunning.
Halfway up a wall. It’s literally never seen in homes. And I have no idea why. Because it is such a unique design that looks great.
Doesn’t that look gorgeous?
Painting shiplap. We ALWAYS see it White. Which don’t get me wrong. I love all things White. But how cute and different is painted shiplap?
Well I hope this gave you a ton of ideas to create your own DIY shiplap walls. Because I am the kind of person that could have shiplap in every room. And not even feel bad about it.
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