Learn Exactly How to Make this Cute Chicken Wire DIY Pallet Planter!
Learn how to make the cutest DIY planter.

So do you want to learn exactly how to make a DIY Pallet Planter? Because it’s a lot easier than you think!
Hey friends. Happy Monday. Monday is one of my favorite days of the week. I love that we get a fresh start to the week and can set up the flow for our entire week. I have a morning routine that I do every single day. It starts with my morning meditation, gratitude list, going through my planner and planning out my to-do list for the day. It makes me feel so much better about my day and my life when things are organized. Haha although I am not the most organized person. To be honest, not even close! Organization didn’t come easy to me. It’s still something I struggle with all the time.
Are you naturally organized? Tell me in the comments below. I envy people that are. Because it is something I work so hard at!
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So it’s basically Spring time now! Which I am so happy about. My favorite thing is a full pot of flowers. I love the smell of flowers and all the gorgeous colors this time of year.
Although it is a bit cold still. But it’s sunny in Utah so I’ll take it! I am working on Spring diy home decor projects right now. I absolutely love this DIY Pallet Planter Tyson and I made. If you want to see more chicken wire projects you can see my DIY lamp shade makeover.
When you ask yourself “what is a planter?” There isn’t an easy answer. Because there are so many different types of planters. I’ve browsed Pinterest for hours at a time. Especially around this time of year when I am looking for cute Spring DIY home decor ideas. You can make this rustic wood planter in no time at all. Your full pot of flowers will fit perfectly.
This is a fun project to add to your list for homemade plant pot ideas.
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Items you will need:
- Wood – we got ours from Home Depot
- Chicken Wire
- Wood Stain
- White Acrylic Paint
- Wire Cutters
- Staple Gun
Watch the full video below!

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Did you enjoy this video learning exactly how to make your own wood diy pallet planter? It’s such a cute project and can be used as an indoor or outdoor planter. Don’t forget to tag me on Instagram if you make it!
Also have you been wanting to create your own blog? Because I make ALL of my income from being a full time blogger. Keep reading if blogging is something you have always been curious about.
So take a look at my blog post How to start a Blog the easy way! I’ve included a list of the best tools I use for my blog. Because I linked discounts or the best price possible for each item. I have used all the items in this blog post personally and absolutely love them. Go read it now and start a blog the easy way!
Again friends thanks so much for stopping by! Let’s hangout more than just here. Come find me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest.